Everyone needs motivation in life to keep going in life. Find this elegant & simple Quotes app. You can set it for the morning, Wake up from bed motivation or browse it through for motivation anytime during the day. These are very meticulously handpicked collection of the best life quotes from various sources. The app aim's is to make one's life simplified & blissful by following one-two liner's day to day wisdom!
Quotes can be very powerful. They have the power to elevate our mind and awaken our wisdom. Simplify Life (SiLi) Quotes app is the best handpicked collection of deep insights and quotes. SiLi is your self help guide when you need motivation or looking for a sense of meaning to the life.
Make your life uncomplicated by these daily dose of wisdom quotes from SiLi Quotation app. SiLi brings the best quotes selected from the philosophies of greatest of saints, achievers, thinkers, poets, entrepreneurs. Simplify Life Quotes app is an effort to sum up the teachings & sayings of the life gurus of the world at one place and enrich you with their wisdom quotes & insightful thoughts. These spiritual quotes are timeless and applicable to all of us.
SiLi Quotes app includes quotations from Buddha, S N Goenka, Lao Tze, Steve jobs, Dan Millman, Kabir, Chanakya, Tao, Rumi, Vivekananda, Osho, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Eckhart Tolle, Paulo Coelho, Bryant Mcgill, Dalai Lama and many others. SiLi also picks up certain verses, quotations & sayings from Gita, Bible & Quran including the philosophy of awareness in living: the Vipassana.
We encourage you visiting the app, whenever you are down or demotivated. The Powerful Quotes immediately lifts up your mood. The insightful quotes focus you to live your life in the present moment, not worry about past or future. These uplifting & inspiring quotes instills a self confidence and builds up your self esteem to prepare you for what lies ahead in life. These motivational quotes encourage you to live up your dreams.
~ Beautiful eight different themes of the app.
~ Everyday notification for the quotation.
~ Saving quotes to Favorite for later view.
~ Swipe & Next/Previous options to view as many number of new quotes and sayings.
~ Share option to social media (facebook, whatsapp, email, twitter etc).
~ Peaceful natural music background with play/pause.
SiLi, the powerful Life Quotes app features the most modern yet classical interface.
Through Notification Management, set the time you want the life quotation to notify in your mobile. You can set it once or twice a day. By default its time for notification is set to early morning.
You have a beautiful background music for the SiLi Quotes app. It has a natural and upbeat music, & listening to this will soothe your mind.
Besides, you can also save your favorite quote for later motivation & inspiration.
It is a really lightweight app that is battery and RAM friendly which makes it one of the favorite quote apps.
This Life Quotes app is completely Free & your Good Reviews would motivate us many fold in our efforts. Do write us your positive feedback which keeps us get going. Help us reaching more users by sharing the app to your friends.
This Life Quotes app is continuously being upgraded. If you have any suggestion for feature please write us at trs7987@gmail.com. We respond to every email. Thank you :-)
Like & Comment on SiLi Quotes page at www.facebook.com/SiLi.Quotes/
We welcome you to try this beautiful Life Quotes app available for free at Google Play!
Todo el mundo necesita motivación en la vida para seguir adelante en la vida. Este elegante y Cotizaciones simples aplicación. Se puede establecer que para la mañana, Despertar la motivación de la cama o navegar a través de la motivación en cualquier momento durante el día. Estos son recogidas a mano muy meticulosamente colección de las mejores citas de la vida de varias fuentes. El objetivo de la aplicación es hacer que la vida de uno simplifica y dichosa siguiendo día de uno-dos forro a la sabiduría días!
Cotizaciones pueden ser muy poderosos. Tienen el poder de elevar nuestra mente y despertar nuestra sabiduría. Una vida más fácil (SiLi) Citas de aplicación es la mejor colección cuidadosamente seleccionada de una visión profunda y citas. SiLi es su propia guía de ayuda cuando se necesita motivación o la búsqueda de un sentido de significado a la vida.
Hacer su vida sin complicaciones por estas dosis diaria de citas de la sabiduría de la cita SiLi aplicación. SiLi trae las mejores frases seleccionadas de las filosofías de la mayor de los Santos, cumplidores, pensadores, poetas, empresarios. Simplificar la vida de Presupuestos aplicación es un esfuerzo para resumir las enseñanzas y los refranes de los gurús de la vida del mundo en un lugar y se enriquecerá con sus citas de la sabiduría y pensamientos interesantes. Estas citas espirituales son intemporales y aplicable a todos nosotros.